IT Support

Help Desk support is available 24/7, including weekends and holidays, to help your organization’s users with their IT support needs. When one of your IT users has a question or needs help with a program or device, they’ll have immediate access to technical, remote IT support from our engineers.

Our Remote Support Center is responsible for handling remote client requests for network and desktop issues that are of an urgent, same-day-resolution nature. To better serve your IT network needs, the Support Center offers 24 hour a day, seven days a week coverage.

Our Network Operations Center is the early warning system for your IT network. Our technicians supervise clients' remote monitoring system for alerts that indicate trouble with servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and applications. If a problem is detected, technicians will assess the problem and perform basic troubleshooting.

In the event that our engineers cannot provide remote IT support, we will visit your organization to assess the problems and make system repairs.